Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Reconciler

I will make them a single stick so that they become one in My hand. 
Ezekiel 37:19b

God is a reconciler in a world full of brokenness. He reconciles us to Him and uses us to reconcile others to Him. He heals broken hearts and relationships through understanding. It is He who brings things together when there seems to be no hope. It is God who changes hearts and opens eyes to make a way for healing. I will go so far as to say that any time two things come together for good, it's only because of God.

There is nothing He cannot repair. I have witnessed God heal relationships that seem entirely unhealthy and beyond repair. I have witnessed His work as He changed both hearts, opened the eyes of both people and brought understanding between two opposing parties. I was one of those parties. Looking back, I needed as much redemption as the other party did. And as I waited, He made me someone I never thought I could be. Thankfully, He hasn't finished yet

I still have some broken relationships that have never healed. I've learned that sometimes a relationship falls apart regardless of prayer and waiting because God's first priority is to reconcile us to Him. It seems like a perfect plan because no one can heal a heart broken by another damaged human like our God. If all He does is change me, I still received a miracle. 

Before you're too quick to walk away, take it to God. Ask Him, "God, do you want to heal this relationship or do you want to use it's brokenness to change me?" He will do one of the two. Don't take matters into your own hands lest you miss out on a miracle, even if just in your own heart. It is only God who transforms the most hopeless into a sign of hope. 

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, your wonderful words on healing relationships speak well for our church families too, so I'll highlight your post on the Christian Poets & Writers blog - May we all be one in the Body of Christ, regardless of our differences as members!
