Friday, August 1, 2014

Five Years of Proof that God is Good

On this day five years ago I married my Mr. Incredible, Chris Travis. I had been previously married but I am his first and only marriage. I had two children when we met and he took them in as his own. It's been said that second marriages have lower odds and require that much more work to beat them. But we've made it this far and I'm quite optimistic. Looking back, I don't think either of us knew what we were getting into. But sometimes knowing the challenges that lie ahead only keep us from experiencing the blessings of endurance.

Through trial and error, we're learning how to have a successful marriage - not just one that stays in tact but one that actually functions well. Chris doesn't fix all my problems or complete my soul but he isn't supposed to. We have a big God. 
To be honest, we're both were still learning how to do this thing. Through so much trial and error, Chris and I have become best friends. God uses Chris to reveal things in me that need healing and change just as God uses me to do the same with Chris. I think we've both had moments where we wondered whether we would make it this far. But since we’re both believers of Jesus Christ, we live on hope, forgiveness and redemption. And only because Jesus has given us so much grace, we're learning to give it away. 

Chris loves me and endures all things with me. He forgives. He asks for forgiveness. He means my heart well. He knows I mean his heart well. Our marriage has taught me that, whenever God is involved, people are capable of change. God has shaped us both to make this marriage work and I can't imagine trying to do it without Him. I am in awe to be loved so dearly by God and this man he gave me. 

Happy Anniversary, my Mr. Incredible. I never doubted for a moment that you're capable of anything you put your hand to. I have loved you all along, but I never once thought I could love anyone as much as I love you now. You are the perfect first-hero kind of daddy and a model of strength and endurance for all my kids. I see Christ working in you everyday and it encourages my own faith. I am incredibly proud to be your wife, the woman you come home to everyday. Thank you for five years.  

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