Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Leading in Life

We, as believers, are all born to lead…someone, somewhere as we influence everyone we come in contact with. We may not all be meant to pastor or manage people, but we all have some sort of ministry burning within us for Jesus’. And with that ministry comes God’s divine involvement to make leaders out of His followers. We lead by the way we live our lives, handle our relationships and use our gifts. We lead by the way we walk and talk because we are ultimately modeling for others who Jesus is. It is through us that many will meet Him, and this is not something to take lightly. 
Jesus modeled leadership, and from His story, we can learn what it takes to lead by God’s standard because His standard is contradictory to the one we’re taught in our society. His way is to lead by serving, with humility and gentleness and love for those who follow. Jesus teaches that one must love others to be fit to lead. As I think about what Jesus did and how He did it, I learn several markers of a godly leader. They are as follows:

1. A caring leader leads with his/her head AND his/her heart. Lack of emotional connection only hinders his/her influence. Lack of thinking hinders credibility.

2. A godly leader is generous and gracious – not self serving. He or she intentionally looks out for others as themselves.

3. A loving leader doesn't seek to control others by tactics like shame or manipulation. He/she models love, and love always offers a choice.

4. A humble leader doesn’t expect to be served. He or she intentionally looks for ways to love and meet the needs of others.

5. A strong leader builds others up consistently. He/she know that words and attitude have a huge impact and strives to impact others positively.

6. An honest leader is transparent about who he/she is, flaws and all. He/she knows that God loves him/her and because of that, has the courage to be realistic about what’s inside.

7. An involved leader pays close attention to the gifts of others and seeks ways to help them use them. He/she doesn’t seek to be in the spotlight, but seeks to see others grow.

8. A faithful leader doesn’t let fears rule him or her. He/she moves forward with his/her convictions with courage.

9. A teachable leader considers the opinions and concerns of others. He/she doesn’t dismiss the ideas and perspectives of others and welcomes feedback. However, he/she seeks the final answer or next steps from God alone.

10. A prepared leader isn’t easily discouraged. Notice that I said "easily". He/she is encouraged in the Lord, through scripture, prayer and praise time and is equipped with the truth.

11. A wise leader doesn't shirk blame. He/she knows that their actions are no one else’s to correct but their own.

12. A courageous leader doesn't stand by quietly and enable those they love to do things that hurt themselves or others. He/she boldly addresses issues with love.

13. An gracious leader knows that life isn't about rules, but experiencing God's gracious mercies personally and extending those to everyone else. God's love and grace is what changes us and helps us to be what we're intended to be. And when we show grace to others, we give them a glimpse of who He is and how much He loves them.

We have to determine which standard will become our own – the world’s or Gods. How will we influence and how will we lead? Whatever one we chose is telling of who we really serve because, with God, nothing is wasted. Everything we do matters for the kingdom of God.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

An Eager Heart & Faithful Mind

The people here were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, since they welcomed the message with eagerness and examined the scriptures daily to see if these things were so. 
Acts 17:11

I'm convinced that one of the biggest hindrances to the growth of the church is the lack of teachability and humility, stemming from the assumption that we have it all figured out already. The idea behind it is a false confidence- one that resembles arrogance more than faith, and a need to impress people. This fear is often that we will appear unstable and our faith will be stolen if we admit that we can't wrap our minds around every single aspect of God. But here's the truth: our faith can only be stolen when we personally hand it over. And our stability has nothing to do with the opinions of other humans.

Brothers and sisters, we don't have to understand it all or have all the answers. We don't have to respond to pretend to know everything and it's totally appropriate to say, "I don't know" or "I don't understand." Faith has less to do with knowledge than it does believing The God we don't see and that His way is better than ours. We were created to think, obviously,  but sometimes our feelings and brains won't coincide with the faith we're called to have. Sometimes God wants to change our minds on a topic but we refuse to believe that what we have believed for so long could be flawed. Faith has to be an intentional belief that God is who He says He is, He is limitless and He is trustworthy. And in order for these things to happen, we've got to be willing to move and change when called He hands us an invitation.

In my experience, faith is limited when we let our need to know it all rise above our vulnerable trust in God. Often, it's just that we're believing what we've been taught and have never questioned it. Maybe we have this idea that questioning what we're taught is somehow blasphemy. But it's not. The Spirit welcomes questions and a desire to learn and grow at every age. The Spirit fills us with this eagerness to learn and the ability to change when we seek the truth with open hearts. Growth is a journey, not a destination and when we start believing we have nothing else to learn on any topic, we stunt our own growth. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Blessing in Troubles

After they had evangelized that town and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, to Iconium, and to Antioch, strengthening the hearts of the disciples by encouraging them to continue in faith, and by telling them, "It is necessary to pass through many troubles on our way into the kingdom of God." Acts 14:21-22


Paul had just been stoned and left for dead. He survived, yes. He and the apostles had been through a lot for their obedience to God. I imagine that, without faith in God and trust in His sovereign ways, their response would have been, "Lord, what did we do so wrong and that you are you putting us through this?" Unless they believed Jesus, not just  in Him, they could very well have become whiney, self-entitled Christians. And they would have settled for miserable or mediocre lives had that been the case. 


The wise words in Acts 14, spoken by Paul and Barnabas to the disciples, are not among the most popular scriptures verses in today's American Christian culture. In fact, it's quite the opposite – “God loves us, He will make us rich and heal all of our problems." And then there is another extreme- "This is your punishment from God. When you learn to be good and follow all the rules, God will love you and bless you." 

God does love us and sometimes it is His will to heal all our ailments or give us Earthly riches. His generous heart loves to bless us, but blessings are more than meets the human eye. And not every bad thing is a punishment for something someone has done, much less is the world's mess His fault. Yes, scripture mentions God's wrath; it is real - but don't underestimate His patient and enduring love either. 

Sometimes His plan is for something far greater than any fleshly idea of "good." Sometimes that “something” has nothing to do with what we want, but what we need. More often than not, His plans have more to do with teaching us to trust Him than making us happy every living, breathing moment. Trust is a hard thing to learn among human relationships. Perhaps it is the very difference between us and God that make trusting Him a lifelong process. 

That process is hard for us because we think we know what we need better than He does. It's hard because we crave independence even though we were never created to be independent from our Creator. The selfish desires of the human heart have to die so that we have a servant's heart. Why? Because our King was and is still a humble servant. Our King suffered so that the veil could be torn and we could know the Father like He does. 


Thursday, December 10, 2015

What is Truly Good

There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way to death. 
Proverbs 14:12

There's an old saying that goes, "The road to destruction is paved with good intentions." And it reminds me of this verse. The "good" in us can come no where near the holiness of God, although it's quite easy to settle. And the things we want for others and ourselves is mere pennies in comparison to what God wants for us. But we have no problem using ourselves as the barometer of good and evil. 

I have seen this in my own personal life. My tendency is to settle for my idea of "good". I can't wrap my mind around anything better, and so, I ask for the very best I can think of. But He gives more. I also tend to judge things against what's in my heart, somehow thinking my heart can be the gauge of good and evil. How arrogant, right? But then God opens my heart and I can see things His way. I find that His ways are nothing like mine- He is kinder, and far more understanding. His ways challenge my idea of what is good and, as they do, freedom is produced in my heart.  

There is more to life than what is in our hearts and minds. But too often we're prepared to settle. We need God to show us bigger things and provide understanding beyond our own thick skulls. And we need to remain open to them as we travel this journey. He isn't going to force us to follow; He wants all of each of us-  not just our intentions. In order to give Him all, we've got to be willing to see ourselves as we really are. It is then that we seek His way to the fullest.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Gift Of Repentance

Therefore repent and turn back, that your sins may be wiped out so that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and He may send Jesus, who has been appointed  Messiah for you. Acts 3:19

What an encouraging verse! The offer of repentance is the offer of a fresh start, conviction instead of condemnation. Peter gave this invitation to the Jews, whom he also charged with crucifying Jesus. And if this offer of a lifetime could be extended to those who faced such sin, why wouldn't God invite you to the same...over and over, as long as you have air in your lungs?

Repentance is not only a call for the unsaved, but also the saved.  It's an invitation to keep coming back to the Lord no matter how much we're veered off path or how many messes we've made. It's the opportunity for a do- over, a second chance. In reality, that second chance may be a third or a one-millionth but the mere in invitation of such says a lot about the heart of God.

His heart is kind, so kind that He would rather see us try and fail than not try at all. He isn't surprised when we mess up. He stands patient with a soft smile on His face saying, "Come on child, get back up and try again. This time let me help you more. " He loves us too much to let our human tendencies keep us apart. He wars for our freedom, and second chances are just one of the ways He does it. He also gave His son to atone for us and to teach us. He sent His Holy Spirit out to guide us and fill us with the ability to do what He calls us to do. 

Friend, do you beat yourself up over every little mistake you make? Do you find yourself glued to the times you didn't get it right? Shake off the condemnation and know that Satan is behind it. Jesus didn't come to condemn you or send you off on your own to "get it right". He came to offer you hope, redemption and the chance for change as you walk this journey. And in the process, He will use your determination and perseverance to inspire others. You are already making a difference. 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Prayers of Thanksgiving

Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving.
Colossians 4:2

I imagine that Paul understood how easily we humans get distracted from prayer by the way he connected it to intention and a thankful attitude. The practical advice he offers here is bigger than we may think. It's much harder to get distracted from connecting with God when we are aware of the many reasons He deserves our thanks.This same concept is the one the Spirit has led me to during times when I don't know what to say. God loves to connect with us and He loves a thankful heart; imagine how much it thrills Him to see the two together. 

Thanksgiving keeps us humble and wards off an attitude of entitlement. It also fights bitterness and unforgiveness and replaces anxiety with peace. These things are huge for our physical health. They are also sign of a spiritually and emotionally healthy person. It also helps us relationally; no one likes to be around a negative person who is never satisfied.  But most importantly, it pleases our God, and as a parent, I can see why. Whenever my kids have an attitude of entitlement or ungratefulness, I press pause on addressing their wants because their emotional and spiritual maturity are far more important long term. 

Prayer causes us to pause and connect with God. It touches both the words of affirmation and quality time aspects of His love language as we reach out to pursue Him. It also prepares our hearts for hearing what He has to say. There is no such thing as a healthy relationship, enjoyed by both parties, without communication and appreciation. 

Be thankful and pray. Start somewhere, but keep it open and ongoing. As you begin to talk to God, You'll find thankfulness overflowing from your heart. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What's Truly Important

And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that you can determine what really matters and can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ. Philippians 1:9-10

What strikes me about this verse is all the petty things we Christians get caught up in, those things that prove to be distractions from the goal He has called us toward. Think about it, we get caught up in everything from political debates to boycotts that prove us more nit picky than gracious. We overlook issues like feeding and clothing the needy to fight over who gets whose way. We become dividers instead of uniters. And in doing so, those who need to see Jesus don't; they see hate, pride and mean spiritedness. 

I'm just as guilty. I have publicly expressed my own opinion in such ways that sounded rude, unloving and judgmental. I didn't understand others and it was obvious that I didn't want to. I thought my opinion was a necessary sign of my faith, but it was just a hindrance.

Beloved, It's not wrong for us to get involved in things going on around us. In fact, we need to connect with others, we need to be the hands and feet of Jesus and we need to express good passions in godly ways. Important issues deserve our attention, but not everything should be an issue. Our opinions just aren't as necessary as we like to think. 

There are plenty of opportunities for us to get sucked in to petty things. While we're busy being distracted from what really matters, we wind up doing the opposite of what we're called to do. 
Therefore, need Jesus' perspective on every matter, and to get it we need to lean in close to Him. We simply cannot be fruitful apart from the vine. This is where we find that loving others becomes more important than finding their flaws, and that is where we have the most impact. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Promise of Change

For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of heifer sprinkling those who are defiled, sanctify for the purification of the flesh, how much more will the blood of the Messiah, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works to serve the living God? Hebrews 9:13-14

Animal sacrifices of the old testament were quite limited in terms of restoration and redemption. The blood of animals could only atone for so much sin. Not to mention, they didn't provide for change inside the one who sinned. Therefore, sacrifices had to take place regularly, even as much as daily in some cases. Think about how often you sin and imagine having to lay your best possessions on the altar that often. At the rate of which I sin, I would be homeless and broke. I would have nothing left to give before my life really began. The worst part is that I would still be who I once was.

The pure and unblemished blood of Jesus was and is enough to cover every sin forever. The blood of Jesus is so perfect that it has also proven capable of bringing about change in any and every person who truly surrenders their heart to Him. And yet part of the body of Christ has yet to experience mindset changes and only looks forward to heaven after this life. I say this in love: Our control issues are revealing our unbelief and they're keeping us on milk instead of the good stuff. They are keeping us from enjoying the here and now as was intended.

With this gracious new covenant, we don't just get to go to heaven when we die. We get to see the kingdom of God come on Earth, now, as it is in heaven. But we have to be all in, holding nothing back. We have to exercise faith in this covenant, even more now than in the last one. God doesn't ask us to be perfect people; He asks us to give ourselves to Him in full trust that He will do what is right.

Thankfully for us all, we serve a God who favors our commitment and trust over our own abilities. Do you fully trust Him? Do your actions and reactions in life align with your answer? These are all questions we should keep asking ourselves continually, because the human heart easily strays.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Barriers to Gratitude

The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!” Psalm 50:23

Speaking of gratitude, have you ever noticed how much more thankful a humble person is than a prideful one? Humility helps a heart see clearly all that they have...even the tiniest of things.  The heart swells with gratitude. But pride makes a heart feel entitled, and there is no gratitude from a heart that feels it deserves, thus is owed. It's a miserable place to be. 

Gratitude not only shows up in our attitude, but it also sparks close communion with God. I have noticed this in my own life. The more humble I am, the more thankful I become and the better I hear the Holy Spirit. And it becomes a sweet, joy-filled cycle. The more I commune with God, the more humbled and thankful I become. Honestly, I have never known a greater joy than this. It beats any idea of happiness I ever entertained. 

This is a key place for every heart to bookmark, stop and examine itself closely. No heart of flesh is perfect. Many ugly things hide in the crevices. The good news is that we can choose to be humble and thankful. We can choose our position on all matters; It's a God-given right. But it would be prideful to suggest that we can choose and adopt His ways totally on our own. We have to ask for help, but we also have to be willing to take gigantic steps of faith when called upon. 

Therefore, this is the point at which I ask you to partner with me in examining your heart for pride as I examine mine. It has to be a lifelong process though. This isn't about competing and comparing, but working as a community to encourage one another to grow closer to God by honoring Him, by recognizing that He is perfect in all of His ways. His ways are higher than ours, more than our human minds can comprehend. And He promises to do right by us. He is faithful. He is good. And He is worthy of our gratitude. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Spirit's Training

But solid food is for the mature-- for those whose senses have been trained to distinguish between good and evil. Hebrews 5:14

Many of us have these ideas of what we expect from someone who is spiritually mature, but I wonder how often those expectations align with God's word. This verse tells us that spiritual maturity is ultimately about the development of our spiritual senses, providing us with the ability to distinguish good from evil and the real truth from all the lies. And this being the case, this isn't something we can learn in isolation. Of course, the Holy Spirit alone can teach us everything effectively, but community is the ground upon which God matures us, the place where teaching becomes training. 

Training goes one step farther than mere teaching and adds practical application to the mix. It's more than the mere teaching of information. Training offers opportunities to practice what we know. If we don't practice what we know, our knowledge is useless. In this case, we must practice using our spiritual senses, such as discernment and understanding. These senses are ones that can only be utilized with an attitude of teachability, humility and vulnerability. In other words, we must keep our hearts open since it is not with human eyes that we see spiritual matters. 

This isn't something we can do on our own. It's crucial that we connect with the Lord to examine everything at a deeper level. Since the flesh sees with a superficial sight, our natural tendency is to see one another as enemies and harden our hearts in an effort to be strong. But spiritual training teaches us to look deeper. It is then that we learn that we're all on the same side with one common enemy. We learn that real strength lies in an attitude of vulnerability and tenderness because it is then that God's strength works most abundantly. Hard heartedness only desensitizes the spirit's senses and refuses the very help we need. Lean in to Jesus with an open heart. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Starting Line

Therefore, be imitators of God, as dearly loved children. And walk in love, as the Messiah also loved us and gave Himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God. Ephesians 5:1-2

The first sentence here really struck me as profound. Yes, we're called to imitate our Creator, but notice the stipulation that we're to do it as the loved children of God we are. That means we aren't asked to do it with our own ability, but with the ability given to us supernaturally when we accept the love God has for us individually. This is an important step if we're going to do it the right way, His way. It's been my experience that we cannot imitate God without believing Him.  If we don't take God at His every word, we're incapable of following in His footsteps. 

There is something precious about having God's love poured into you. His love, when it is taken at face value, is like CPR to the soul. Without acceptance of this love He has spoken over you and me, our spirits function like an oxygen-deprived body. And we live in defeat because of it. We can't truly love others or accept love from them without doing this with God first. His love is foundational to each of our purposes on Earth. His love will bring us to our knees in adoration of Him. 

None of us are in any condition to love our neighbor or our enemy until we let God's love fill us first. Until then, we're handicapped both emotionally and spiritually. Other people can't help us and we can't heal ourselves- there are no shortcuts. We must we willing to receive from God before we can give to others, therefore, the starting line consists of people who are so humble and desperate that they hold high their empty, wide-open hands to Him to receive what only He gives. No one passes "Go" until this crucial step is complete. Only God's perfect, unconditional and enduring love can break us free from our destructive hearts. Until we're truly free, we can't even begin the race. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Freedom To Think Like Christ

We demolish arguments and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. 
2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Do you believe God more than the thoughts that enter your mind? This is a good question for each of us to ask ourselves if we're carrying the label of "Christian". For if we say we serve Christ, yet will not allow His truth to change our minds, our words are just a meaningless vapor. We cannot serve Him without full surrender; Our surrender is the best gift we can give Him. Believing God goes hand-in-hand with surrendering and it is a requirement for all true Christ-followers. But in all honesty, it took me forever to realize that.

"Now without faith it is impossible to please God..." Hebrews 11:6

I have had more unhealthy thought patterns than I can count. Do you know how God revealed them to me, how He got around my walled-in mind? He led me to scripture that exposed it. When He did, I heard myself say, " No matter what God says here, I am going to believe what I believe." I heard myself blatantly refuse to believe God.  I realized that I was so tied to my thoughts that I held them to the same level of His truth. I was guilty of withholding my thought patterns from the God I had claimed to believe in. And that bothered me. It didn't change overnight, but little-by-liitle, as I surrendered my thoughts, I began to think like a new person. 

It's not just me. We all have a tendency to put our thoughts in front of the truths of God. We have this idea that if we think it, it must be true. But our thoughts are nowhere near truth in comparison to God's. Those thoughts we continually hold up as truth regardless of what God says are called strongholds. They give us the illusion that we're in control, when instead they hold us in bondage. They keep us from growing and being more like Christ.

Our minds are the hardest things to surrender. This doesn't mean we're called to stop using our brains, but to test everything we think against God's Word. It means God's truth reigns in our minds over any untruthful thought we have.  But it's a conscious and consistent requirement on our parts. Our minds can slip and fall into any ol' mess. We must continually make the choice to believe Him above anything or anyone else. It's the path to true freedom. Pursue God with endless surrender and He will set you free. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Ministries in the Mundane

Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not give up.
2 Corinthians 4:1

Every single one of us who believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him as King have a ministry. Scripture doesn't say we need to be on TV, write books, be famous or be a preacher in order to have a ministry. Every believer has a ministry right where they are at this time. That means, you, yes you, have a place in ministry right now. 

It has more to do with your God than your abilities. But rest assured that there is a need for someone who is willing to share God's love in every place on Earth. You have connections who need good influences and encouraging messages. You have a unique influence and a message for the here and now. You were created for such a time as this and He has given you a heart and a passion for something specific. The question therein lies, "Are you using your influence to help others?"

The enemy would rather you believe that you have no impact, influence or message that's of use to others. Why? Because then you'll quit helping others and you'll stop contributing your value community-wide. When you stop believing God on any matter, your motivation to do what is right, your ability to see the unseen and your message of love all seem pointless and daunting. 

God wants you to be courageous and to endure. He has a purpose for you, even in the mundane. You make a difference in the Body of Christ. We all need you. We all need the piece of the puzzle you bring to the mix. We can learn from you and you can learn from us. Don't let the gifts you've been given go to waste; leave your mark. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Holding the Flashlight

Don't participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but instead, expose them....Everything exposed by the light is made clear, for what makes everything clear is light.
Ephesians 5:11,13

We all have something that we don't like to talk about because it makes us uncomfortable. Maybe we don't want to stir up controversy. Maybe we just don't want anyone knowing how much we struggle with a particular issue for fear of judgment. Perhaps the issue reminds us of just how little we know. When we overcome our fears, hang-ups and dislikes for the Kingdom of God, we are fulfilling our most basic duty as warriors of light. It's rather simple, yet rather complicated; Every believer's duty, first and foremost, is to fight the urge to enable anything to hide in the dark. And since we carry Christ's light in us, all we really have to do is be willing to speak into everything we see. 

We, as the body of Christ, have a duty to expose the darkness. And since we are "the light of the world," this wouldn't be so hard if we would stay awake and pay attention to matters of the spirit. But you and I both know that there are many issues in our society that we don't like to talk about. Basically, these unaddressed issues are mere "elephants" in the room. We feel overwhelmed at the thought of tackling them because somehow we have it in our minds that it's our job to fix them, but it's not. We may not have all the answers, but according to scripture, we simply need to bring them out of the secrecy of darkness. God will do the rest.

While we're shining our light, it's important to remember that the flesh is not our enemies. Other people may appear as enemies or barriers in what we feel necessary to accomplish, but they are not the real enemy. They, just like us, wrestle with the same powers of darkness as we do. Just flip right over into the next chapter of Ephesians and you'll see that Paul felt it was crucial to add this aspect to this very conversation. 

In Ephesians 6:12 he said, "For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens."  

Shining our light is a big task. But as we do so, we can easily do damage if we treat fellow soldiers or bystanders as enemies. We're all in this together, with a very sneaky and divisive Enemy. He wants us to be short-sighted enough to mistreat our own. He wants us to cause more damage to those who are already hurting so that he can continue to skew the truth. Let’s focus on shining our lights and make it a point to remember who the real enemy is here as we really are smack dab in the middle of in a war.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pride's Illusions

For who makes you superior? What do you have that you didn't receive? If, in fact, you did receive it, why do you boast as if you hadn't received it? Already you are full! 1 Corinthians 4:7-8

"I earned everything I have." I've heard it a lot in my life and have even said it. Little did I know that I really couldn't have done it on my own. I was able to work because of God's blessing of health. I had the job because of God's blessing of favor with the employer. I was able to fulfill my job duties because of the abilities God gave me. I didn't muster up this stuff and I couldn't have. My life very well could have gone differently even with the same amount of effort I applied. Knowing the brokenness of this world, every single thing I tried could have been twarted, and even then I couldn't cry out injustice against God. 

This pride we have deep within us poses a problem. It allows us to cling to our opinions and our "abilities" as idols. It allows us to set ourselves in places where we don't belong and it keeps us far from our Creator, the one, true God. We have this idea that we are really the biggest deal since sliced bread, but that's because we've been listening to our enemy. Satan doesn't give us a healthy self worth; he gives us the illusion of power and control. 

I'm not talking self hate. I don't want to cause anyone shame; shame is not of God. I'm speaking of the importance of knowing our proper places, abilities and value. If any of these things come from our own desires or opinions, not from who we are in Jesus, we must repent and begin to agree with what God says over what we think. Yes, He values us. He loves us. He strategically places us when we are humble enough to listen. But those things come from who God is and not how good we are. Otherwise, grace would be a moot point. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Your Own Backyard

If we were properly evaluating ourselves, we would not be judged, but when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord, so that we may not be condemned with the world. 
1 Corinthians 11:31-32

It's much easier to take notice of the sins and issues of others than to see them in ourselves, isn't it? And even when we do see our own junk, it's much easier to ignore it than to try to do anything about it. It hurts to stare our junk in the eyes - no matter how humble we are. In fact, I have to say that seeing myself for what's really deep inside is the hardest part of being human and the part that requires the most courage as a follower of Christ. But it's the most important since God looks at the heart, not just at the surface of the heart, but deep into it's recesses. And we can't do anything about anyone else's but our own. 

It takes more intention, courage and a closer walk with Jesus in order to evaluate ourselves as Jesus' followers are called to do. But have you ever noticed that when we're not focused on self evaluation, we have a tendency to evaluate everyone else? And when we spend more time evaluating others than ourselves, we tend to forget how fallible we are and our heart becomes dirtied up with pride and self righteousness. There is a consequence for not taking heed to the ways of God above our own desires. That consequence is the deterioration of our walk with Jesus, the ability to see Him working, believe Him, hear His voice and pray. 

Do you find yourself struggling in any of these areas? If so, it's not too late to turn back and ask for help. You aren't the first one to do so and you won't be the last. You see, one good thing about being human is that there are billions of others to relate to. Even better, God so dearly loves every single one of us as if we were His only one. Beloved, Jesus doesn't want to condemn you by exposing your heart; He wants to make a stronger and healthier you. He wants to prepare you for your purpose, one that only He knows. Once you believe that, the hard stuff becomes much more bearable. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

To Carry Our Crosses

For it has been reported to me about you, my brothers, by members of Chloe’s household, that there is rivalry among you. What I am saying is this: Each of you says, “I’m with Paul,” or “I’m with Apollos,” or “I’m with Cephas,” or “I’m with Christ.” Is Christ divided? Was it Paul who was crucified for you? Or were you baptized in Paul’s name? 
1 Corinthians 1:11-13

To cling to our denomination, teachers and preachers, church building, opinions, ideas and/or interpretation of scripture above Christ is idolatry. To think we already have it all figured out and refuse to be a student is to deny the cross and set our own selves up where only God should be. Idolatry not only puts stuff, people and ideas in front of God in proximity to our hearts, but it also causes division. It seems safe to say then, that wherever there is division there is idolatry. God may call us to step out and do things that our unbelieving or luke warm neighbor will sneer at us over. But He will never cause us to stop loving that neighbor and treat him/ her with disrespect or meanspiritedness. He will never cause us to take joy in the downfall of another human - whether they were a believer or not. 

He holds us to the standard, no matter how hard it is, to love our neighbor. Notice that He never said we had to agree on everything though. Based on the wisdom of the perfect God, it may hurt our flesh but it will heal our spirit when we persist in loving those who don't seem to love us and we show them in tangible ways. Which will you follow today, to feed the flesh or the spirit? Keep in mind that one of these will not live on. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Necessary Affliction

Be careful that you do not turn to iniquity, for that is why you have been tested by affliction. 
Job 36:21

Moments where everything falls perfectly in line and there isn't a trouble in my world are rare. I know you can relate. As a matter of fact, the more I follow Jesus, the more trouble I seem to endure. The more trouble I endure, the more I learn about my own heart. I learn just how fragile and susceptible it is to the things of this world. 

I often wonder whether there is an age in life where the human heart's natural tendency isn't to become self righteous, harbor anger or feel ugly things towards fellow humans after being tested to some extent. But this verse, spoken to Job during his hardships, tells me it's common among every age group and spiritual background.

Just as gold is tested and purified, so we must also be. We only think we know our own hearts until life happens. Testing helps us to see ourselves for realistically, creating a sensitivity to the movements of our own hearts. It keeps the heart humble as it keeps us asking God for help. As it melts away pride, it creates a more mature heart - capable of following Jesus without trying to lead.

I've come to believe that real spiritual maturity has more to do with humility than how much we know or do. Without having experienced hardship ourselves, we can't relate to the orphans, widows, homeless and the sick. And without that, we can't expect them to take us seriously when we tell them about Jesus. 

Hang in there, brothers and sisters. No one ever promised this would be easy, but we know good awaits us. Don't give up. Encourage yourself in the Lord. He loves you. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Warriors Wanted

Pay close attention to my words; let this be the consolation you offer. Bear with me while I speak; then after I have spoken, you may continue mocking. Job 21:2-3

We live in a society where hope is mocked and discouragement runs rampant. It's hard for even believers to stay encouraged with constant messages of hate, nit pickiness, negative labels and mean-spiritedness. Many believers have even given up on trying to be a light in a world of darkness because the pressure has become too much and discouragement has overcome them. The need for encouragement is more crucial than ever, for the body of Christ and for the rest of the world. The need for warriors who will surrender their tongues for the good of others is an urgent one.

Encouragement is a sign of love, compassion and understanding. It is key to living this life victoriously and is quite contagious. It is not flattery or empty words and it cannot be done out of obligation, but a desire to promote healing. Real, impactful encouragement is derived only from truth. It requires the sensitivity to see another's struggle and the wisdom to speak the truth that breaks down the lies behind it. It comes forth from a tender and compassionate heart and a life-giving tongue, all of which are fueled by the Holy Spirit. And when we surrender the power of our mouths, He provides the words and ensures their arrival in heart of the hearer. 

If we aren't before God on a regular basis, investing in a relationship with our Creator, we will lack the courage and understanding to meet the needs of others. That one relationship with God is the pivot upon which all our other relationships are healthy. He is the only One who can teach us how to be relational and how to truly love. He is the only One who can empower us to fulfill the law: to love God and love others. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Tattletale

If you get rid of the yoke from those around you, the finger-pointing and malicious speaking, and if you offer yourself to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted one, then your light will shine in the darkness, and your night will be like noonday. 
Isaiah 58:9-10

We can help set people free from things that hold them down by speaking words of life, avoiding blame, and offering ourselves to those in need. Scripture is clear that, in order to accomplish our calling, we're to have clean tongues. And since our tongues are the tattletale of our heart, it's important that we go about ministry the right way...from the inside out. We need ministering to before we can minister. We need cleansing and freedom before we can lead others to it.

I love words. But I can make as big a mess as those who struggle to find the next thing to say. I've come to realize that this place of acknowledgement is exactly where we need to be to surrender our mouths- words, tone and all to a holy purpose. I tend to need to surrender my tongue several times a day. I don't have to stop and think because words flow so quickly for me. But that's exactly why my mouth is so dangerous. And that's why God deserves all the glory for any good that comes from this tongue or even these fingers as they type the very words you're reading.

None of us have perfect hearts. Every one of us, no matter how strong our faith, need daily cleansing by our Creator. It's not enough just to keep your mouth shut. For scripture provides us many times when speaking up is absolutely necessary. And since the way we talk is telltale of our hearts, we cannot skip what's inside our own hearts as we we interact with the world. We can try to fake it, but eventually the tongue will win because our tongues are made to have power and that power should be used to bring life, not take it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Trusting God

He said, "Don't be afraid, you are treasured by God. Peace to you; be very strong." 
Daniel 10:19

I had huge trust issues and they impacted my relationship with Jesus greatly. It's hard to practice faith without trust, a necessity of any healthy relationship. And so my whole life has been a struggle to find safety with anyone, anywhere. I imagine it broke Jesus' heart to see me feel so alone and afraid all the time because He grabbed ahold of me in the gentlest way and begun working through my mess diligently. His consistent message to me was, " Don't be afraid; I've got you. I will do right by you. I promise." 

He dealt patiently with me as He continuously affirmed me as His own and assured me of His love. He was not content seeing me in such bondage and He began to change my own heart to desire the same. He provided me many opportunities to practice trusting Him and He held me tight through every one. Each time, I came out more in love with Jesus than before and more sure of His love for me. And if I had to go through it all again, I wholeheartedly believe it is worth it.

God is not content seeing us stuck to mindsets and lies that hold us back from experiencing Him fully. Therefore, if we're going to truly follow Him, we're going to feel uncomfortable quite often. I truly believe it's in that discomfort that our chains are exposed and we have to make a choice- to continue following Him on the journey to freedom or to stay chained up right where we are. But I promise, there is no safer place, no greater adventure than to go through hard stuff with Him holding your hand.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Meaningful Life

There is nothing better for man than to eat, drink, and enjoy his work. I have seen that even this is from God’s hand, because who can eat and who can enjoy life apart from Him? For to the man who is pleasing in His sight, He gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy, but to the sinner He gives the task of gathering and accumulating in order to give to the one who is pleasing in God’s sight. This too is futile and a pursuit of the wind. Ecclesiastes 2:24-26

Life can seem futile, even wise Solomon said that. It can be so incredibly hard and hard to enjoy. And we make it worse when we think we can build happiness without God, using our own mind and resources. But even our talents are His and are useless without Him at the wheel. We were never intended to be independent from Him and despite how much we think we know or how much He has gifted us already, we will fail if we try. 

If you're anything like me, you have tried to build a life of happiness on your own and have realized the err of those ways. All of the things I have tried on my own have failed and proven futile. Putting my hope in myself nearly ruined my life. And it's not because I am a "loser", but because I tried to do something apart from the Source, my Creator. 

Unless we're walking with Him, we won't know the bounds of which we can enjoy life to the fullest because, like little kids, we either sit and mope over what isn't going our way or we get so excited that we walk right past the playground and into the street. Our sight is so underdeveloped that we miss the blessing right out in front of us, right in the moment. We miss the value in the little moments of life, which really are the big ones.

Beloved, God wants us to savor every moment and find many opportunities to celebrate because He also celebrates. But because the things of this world are temporary, we need Him to make everything we do meaningful. When we persist in building a life without Him it will prove to be a waste in the end, futile. When we let Him lead, our work will carry forward beyond us. Whatever you feel led to do, let God stay in the lead. Let Him determine the path. The long way is definitely the most rewarding one.  

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sincere Love

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:9-10

Sincere love is all about the giver's motives and priorities. Only when the one's heart is filled with sincere love he or she can give it freely, trusting God that nothing is wasted. A heart filled with sincere love won't give to get something back or only give to a select few who "earn it." And sincere love isn't 
given as a means of change or manipulation. Such a pure thing is never dangled like a piece of meat. But what it gives does produce change because what is given freely produces freedom all around. 

You see, sincere love is powerful because it's Originator is the Almighty God. And since He alone gives us the ability to love across borders, He is involved in every love transaction to be sure that not a single act of love is wasted. It might be invisible to the human eye and it might even seem fake to those who have never experienced it. Your friends and family will probably even think you're foolish. That's because sincere love is godly and godliness is foreign to the flesh. We all have to have it modeled for us at some point before we can love someone else freely. 

Don't be afraid, dear one. Let God fill your heart with sincere love and become a vehicle of which His love travels through to others. Don't worry about what you will get in return or what others will think. Know that God wastes no sacrifice given to Him. And there is nothing greater than the privilege to be a part of His great work on Earth.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Knowing the Peace of Christ

Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt, and glorify the King of heaven, because all His works are true and His ways are just. He is able to humble those who walk in pride. Daniel 4:37

I think the main reason most believers don't live in peace is due to the responsibilities we load on ourselves that were never meant to be ours. Many of us spend a large percentage of our lives trying to change others. We beg, we plead and try to reason. We say hurtful things, hoping to get their attention when all we really do is cause more pain and harden people towards us. We lose sleep trying to figure out our strategy. We justify manipulation tactics by convincing ourselves that we're helping them. But it never works; such an act of self righteousness only causes bitterness and frustration on both ends. All of this can be avoided if we'll just surrender to Jesus and His way.

In truth, we need as much change as everyone else, yet we've been staring at the tall grass in the backyards of others for so long that our own grass has grown up above our heads. It's so much easier to spot problems in others than in ourselves, isn't it? It requires far more patience and intentionality to focus on our own hearts than it does to help our fellow man see his or her own wretchedness. But ours is the only one we're truly responsible for. And until we face ours head-on, we won't be of any use in helping others with their own. 

The most foundational way that we can make an impact on others is to live in the peace Jesus offers us personally. His peace is such an unusual thing in this world we live in and so it's going to turn heads. It's not a place of pride, but of humility and acceptance. But living in that place requires that we stay close to Jesus, on purpose, where we can learn proper boundaries and see our own hearts clearly. 

Every way but His way will backfire. While our way divides, His brings us together. He can turn the most sinful and hate-filled hearts into purer and love-filled vessels. He alone can change any heart and humble the prideful. Quite often, that's us. Ask me how I know.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tender, Like God

He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief;and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. Isaiah 53:3-4

I had cried and cried and I just wanted to stop, but I couldn't. The pain inside was so great. I hurt so much that I became confused as to how something like this could cause this much pain and I began wondering what else was hiding beneath the surface to make me hurt this much. So I started praying, asking God to help me to see what was going on inside. As I closed my eyes and prayed desperately, I saw Jesus during his life as a man, knelt down on the ground all alone in the wilderness. He was bawling his eyes out. I could even hear the sounds of his sobs. He was in pain for many of the same reasons my heart hurt. 

As I opened my eyes God said something like: Your pain doesn't always reveal that something is wrong with you, my child. Exposure to my love makes you tender, caring and able to love wholeheartedly. Being close to me will bring more pain than you're used to because what breaks my heart will break yours. You will even sometimes feel pain more intensely than before. But know that I am making you stronger, not weaker. 

His words encouraged me so; He breathed courage and strength into me when I felt I could not take much more. I felt stronger as I realized that being tender is a trait of strength in God's eyes. 

This is a lesson worth sharing. We all have plenty of temptations to harden in this life. It's easier for us to harden than stay soft amidst the hard stuff we face. But the key is to stay tender no matter what. When we are willing to feel pain and other uncomfortable feelings, it's a sign of courage. Courage is a must if we're willing to address our own messes. With sensitivity comes intimacy with God, which means our hearts become more like His. And He's not weak at all! 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Reconciler

I will make them a single stick so that they become one in My hand. 
Ezekiel 37:19b

God is a reconciler in a world full of brokenness. He reconciles us to Him and uses us to reconcile others to Him. He heals broken hearts and relationships through understanding. It is He who brings things together when there seems to be no hope. It is God who changes hearts and opens eyes to make a way for healing. I will go so far as to say that any time two things come together for good, it's only because of God.

There is nothing He cannot repair. I have witnessed God heal relationships that seem entirely unhealthy and beyond repair. I have witnessed His work as He changed both hearts, opened the eyes of both people and brought understanding between two opposing parties. I was one of those parties. Looking back, I needed as much redemption as the other party did. And as I waited, He made me someone I never thought I could be. Thankfully, He hasn't finished yet

I still have some broken relationships that have never healed. I've learned that sometimes a relationship falls apart regardless of prayer and waiting because God's first priority is to reconcile us to Him. It seems like a perfect plan because no one can heal a heart broken by another damaged human like our God. If all He does is change me, I still received a miracle. 

Before you're too quick to walk away, take it to God. Ask Him, "God, do you want to heal this relationship or do you want to use it's brokenness to change me?" He will do one of the two. Don't take matters into your own hands lest you miss out on a miracle, even if just in your own heart. It is only God who transforms the most hopeless into a sign of hope. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Helpful Rebuke

Didn't you treat your sister Sodom as an object of scorn when you were proud, before your wickedness was exposed? Ezekiel 16:5

What a lesson for us all! As soon as we think we're better than another sinner, we set ourselves up for a leveling of sorts. It doesn't mean it's wrong to call a sin a sin but that unless sin is dealt with carefully, we become as bound to sin as the ones we rebuke. 

Sin isn't something to be addressed through manipulation and control. It's to be dealt with boldly, yes, but in humility so that we help one another. If all we're doing is making them defensive, we will never get through to be able to do so and we're missing the very point in rebuking. It's important to approach it understanding that none of us are exempt from committing the same sins as the next person. 

All throughout scripture, pride is the outlet through which sin seems to become mysteriously contagious. Therefore, know your own heart and admit your shortcomings so that you can get the stick out of your own eye before trying to help the next person. Doing it that way certainly changes how you see and treat other sinners and how they respond to you. If you truly want to be close to the Lord, you will have to deal with your own heart before Him- not anyone else's. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

God, The Encourager

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. Proverbs 31:10

I have read this verse many a time, and so I tend to overlook how it applies to me and let it sink in. I've always wanted to be the wife in this verse but never thought that I could be. But recently the Lord had me take a second look. He spoke to me in it, specifically to me. He affirmed me as a wife, reminding me that I am rare. He wanted me to know this, to let it sink it for me personally. He wanted me to know that He is pleased with me, despite my short-comings. He wanted to lift me up, because He is the ultimate encourager.

Are you a spouse who seeks God's will in your relationship, who leans on God as a refuge and completer? Then this verse is for you. Let it sink in. You are an excellent spouse, whose worth is far more than rare jewels...because you are a rare find. The Lord affirms you. You don't have to be perfect, but to have the kind of heart God is looking for. And if you don't, He will help you if you let Him.

You see, it's important to our God that we stay encouraged so that we persevere and, in order to do so, we must fight against the enemy's weapon of discouragement. Believe it, the enemy loves to find every little way to take us down. And often, we help him by resisting the encouragement God has for us. So, take in God's encouragement for yourself, whether it be this scripture or another one you feel being pressed on you. Believe it because He said it - not because you're perfect or follow all the rules, but because He is merciful and gracious and what He says is meant to become your truth. 

Oh child of God, He delights in you even when you don't get it right. God wars for you by encouraging you, if you'll truly listen and let it sink in you will find that believing Him is the key to victory in this life. When you believe Him, you'll find that your heart and mind keep getting stronger. Before you know it, God's strength in you will have overcome several of your giants. Stay encouraged!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit of That

Your way of life and your actions have brought this on you. This is your punishment. It is very bitter because it has reached your heart. Jeremiah 4:18

Many of us will say, "There is only one God." But according to scripture, saying it isn't enough. God didn't ask that we simply believe He exists or merely carry the label of "Christian". Let's be honest, our society is a lot like Israel and Judah during the time of Jeremiah. We tend to get sucked right into other belief systems, adopting a little bit of this and a little of that, until the things that were once clear to us get watered down and then forgotten --and The God is dishonored. We've all done it, including myself.

I'm not saying we're supposed to be rude, intolerant and closed-minded. And I'm not saying we should ever stop learning. I'm saying that we are in control of our own hearts and our own faith, and the lifestyle we choose influences those things. Without a real relationship with God, we don't really know who He is and we are easily swayed. But we can't blame anyone else when we allow every thing that comes along to steal away our dedication and devotion to that One God. When this happens, it's telling of a lack of deep connection or root, revealing we never did our part to start with. 

For my people are fools; they do not know me. They are foolish children without understanding. They are skilled in doing what is evil, but they do not know how to do what is good. Jeremiah 4:22

The first thing I notice here is the link between a lack of understanding and evil. And because God is angry here, it's clear that the lack of understanding, the lack of knowledge of Him is out of a choice on the people's part. I was once one of them, I lacked it. I was superficial and had no real sight beyond the surface of life...i lived most of my life that way and I was miserable. But then one day I wanted it. I asked for understanding. I sought it. I still crave and seek it. Why? Because I've tried many things and I know that there is no other hope. Nothing else fulfills. Nothing else is this solid and no one else is as stable as my God. The stuff in this world is temporary, but God is permanent.

There is no one so trustworthy and merciful. But when His tenderness is disregarded, when we deal treacherously with Him, He will not tolerate it. He has boundaries. Good ones. He loves us, He cares. He wants our hearts to care for Him and love Him in return, but He will not be used and abused. He won't have us mixing who He is with any other. He won't have us mixing His gospel with feel good theologies of humanistic-based religions. He wants our whole heart, the surrender of self. Nothing less. 

I have some personal experience in this area beyond myself. Just to help you understand how bad this mix of gods with God has gotten, here is an example. I have personally been judged for sharing my faith. People have tried to manipulate me to stop sharing it and have even gone so far as to challenge it. They mean well and are usually "Christians". It's as if many "believers" in this culture want to keep the gospel to themselves for fear of offending other religions. I will go a step farther and say it's as if the acting out of radical, real, life-changing  faith is too convicting for many of those who have heard the gospel and claim to believe it. But their obvious offense says there must be some lack of faith...some watering down of sorts.

What did I learn? That the things that offend us say something about our own hearts. The things we take seriously do too. Please understand that I say this in love. If the sharing of scripture or personal experiences that others have with God offend you, maybe you've been influenced by a little bit of this and a little of that. Maybe it's time to repent and ask God to clean out those areas that aren't influenced by Him. Ask Him to help you get to know Him so that you aren't so easily pulled into, or influenced by other gods. May the One true God be first in our hearts..your and mine. Always.