Wednesday, June 17, 2015

God, The Encourager

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. Proverbs 31:10

I have read this verse many a time, and so I tend to overlook how it applies to me and let it sink in. I've always wanted to be the wife in this verse but never thought that I could be. But recently the Lord had me take a second look. He spoke to me in it, specifically to me. He affirmed me as a wife, reminding me that I am rare. He wanted me to know this, to let it sink it for me personally. He wanted me to know that He is pleased with me, despite my short-comings. He wanted to lift me up, because He is the ultimate encourager.

Are you a spouse who seeks God's will in your relationship, who leans on God as a refuge and completer? Then this verse is for you. Let it sink in. You are an excellent spouse, whose worth is far more than rare jewels...because you are a rare find. The Lord affirms you. You don't have to be perfect, but to have the kind of heart God is looking for. And if you don't, He will help you if you let Him.

You see, it's important to our God that we stay encouraged so that we persevere and, in order to do so, we must fight against the enemy's weapon of discouragement. Believe it, the enemy loves to find every little way to take us down. And often, we help him by resisting the encouragement God has for us. So, take in God's encouragement for yourself, whether it be this scripture or another one you feel being pressed on you. Believe it because He said it - not because you're perfect or follow all the rules, but because He is merciful and gracious and what He says is meant to become your truth. 

Oh child of God, He delights in you even when you don't get it right. God wars for you by encouraging you, if you'll truly listen and let it sink in you will find that believing Him is the key to victory in this life. When you believe Him, you'll find that your heart and mind keep getting stronger. Before you know it, God's strength in you will have overcome several of your giants. Stay encouraged!

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