Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A Battle Won With Encouraging Words

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. John 6:63

We all have certain things that have been spoken over us- some good and some bad. Our minds, however, have this ability to focus on one – usually the negative things that have been said. And those words will drive what we believe about ourselves, our abilities and how we live our lives. It will shape us. It will determine whether we like what we see when we look in the mirror. But we need to be reminded of the positive things. Our minds need constant renewing and reminding so that we have the whole picture and not just the part the enemy wants us to see.


For years, I believed that everything spoken over me was negative except that I was smart. I, however, wanted to be lots of other positive things like pretty, likeable, creative and loveable. But I didn’t believe those things were true about me. I believed the good things about me stopped with smart. I remembered being told as a child that I was ugly, unlikeable, and hard to relate to. I now believe the enemy began working very early on me, telling me how I was merely a “statistic”, and that no one would ever be able to relate to be so I should “keep to myself and “keep quiet”.  Words certain people said seemed only to confirm it. 

However, over the years I had forgotten that positive things has also been spoken over me too. The Lord has been fighting for me all these years. I have not been alone. I have been allowing my focus to be on the negative things alone, ignoring the positive so much of the time. My mind had a filter that was filtering out the good and that filter needed to go. 


What got my attention on this matter is a recent incident. While talking to my mom recently,  she said something that stopped me in my tracks. She said, “You were such a sweet little girl…” I got stuck on those words. I never thought anyone ever thought of me like that! I was struck and encouraged by those words! I have often wondered if anyone ever saw me in such a sweet way that I see my girls, and my mom confirmed it without even knowing I questioned it. 

Fast forward to this week- while battling the enemy’s lies I approached my pastor about praying for me. As he prayed, he spoke scripture that reminded me who I am in Jesus. He built me up without really knowing the details of my struggle. The Lord is so good to use others to meet our needs, to work the kinks out in our mind and force out the lies of the enemy. I was and am adored. I was a sweet and loved child and not for once, even then when the enemy whispered in my ear, was I never alone. And neither are you. 


The enemy works hard on tear us down. He knows our deepest struggles and just how to get to us. His favorite tactic is to corner us, get us alone and tell us lies. It's important that we know and remember the truth. It does us no good if we can't recall it! 


I encourage you today to remember the good things. Write them down if you need to for such a time as the enemy’s schemes. But don’t settle for the negative. The positive words will win you the toughest battles and the Lord will provide you plenty of nurturing and soul nourishing words for those moments. Make it a point to remember them. 

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