Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Your Own Backyard

If we were properly evaluating ourselves, we would not be judged, but when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord, so that we may not be condemned with the world. 
1 Corinthians 11:31-32

It's much easier to take notice of the sins and issues of others than to see them in ourselves, isn't it? And even when we do see our own junk, it's much easier to ignore it than to try to do anything about it. It hurts to stare our junk in the eyes - no matter how humble we are. In fact, I have to say that seeing myself for what's really deep inside is the hardest part of being human and the part that requires the most courage as a follower of Christ. But it's the most important since God looks at the heart, not just at the surface of the heart, but deep into it's recesses. And we can't do anything about anyone else's but our own. 

It takes more intention, courage and a closer walk with Jesus in order to evaluate ourselves as Jesus' followers are called to do. But have you ever noticed that when we're not focused on self evaluation, we have a tendency to evaluate everyone else? And when we spend more time evaluating others than ourselves, we tend to forget how fallible we are and our heart becomes dirtied up with pride and self righteousness. There is a consequence for not taking heed to the ways of God above our own desires. That consequence is the deterioration of our walk with Jesus, the ability to see Him working, believe Him, hear His voice and pray. 

Do you find yourself struggling in any of these areas? If so, it's not too late to turn back and ask for help. You aren't the first one to do so and you won't be the last. You see, one good thing about being human is that there are billions of others to relate to. Even better, God so dearly loves every single one of us as if we were His only one. Beloved, Jesus doesn't want to condemn you by exposing your heart; He wants to make a stronger and healthier you. He wants to prepare you for your purpose, one that only He knows. Once you believe that, the hard stuff becomes much more bearable. 

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