Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Leading in Life

We, as believers, are all born to lead…someone, somewhere as we influence everyone we come in contact with. We may not all be meant to pastor or manage people, but we all have some sort of ministry burning within us for Jesus’. And with that ministry comes God’s divine involvement to make leaders out of His followers. We lead by the way we live our lives, handle our relationships and use our gifts. We lead by the way we walk and talk because we are ultimately modeling for others who Jesus is. It is through us that many will meet Him, and this is not something to take lightly. 
Jesus modeled leadership, and from His story, we can learn what it takes to lead by God’s standard because His standard is contradictory to the one we’re taught in our society. His way is to lead by serving, with humility and gentleness and love for those who follow. Jesus teaches that one must love others to be fit to lead. As I think about what Jesus did and how He did it, I learn several markers of a godly leader. They are as follows:

1. A caring leader leads with his/her head AND his/her heart. Lack of emotional connection only hinders his/her influence. Lack of thinking hinders credibility.

2. A godly leader is generous and gracious – not self serving. He or she intentionally looks out for others as themselves.

3. A loving leader doesn't seek to control others by tactics like shame or manipulation. He/she models love, and love always offers a choice.

4. A humble leader doesn’t expect to be served. He or she intentionally looks for ways to love and meet the needs of others.

5. A strong leader builds others up consistently. He/she know that words and attitude have a huge impact and strives to impact others positively.

6. An honest leader is transparent about who he/she is, flaws and all. He/she knows that God loves him/her and because of that, has the courage to be realistic about what’s inside.

7. An involved leader pays close attention to the gifts of others and seeks ways to help them use them. He/she doesn’t seek to be in the spotlight, but seeks to see others grow.

8. A faithful leader doesn’t let fears rule him or her. He/she moves forward with his/her convictions with courage.

9. A teachable leader considers the opinions and concerns of others. He/she doesn’t dismiss the ideas and perspectives of others and welcomes feedback. However, he/she seeks the final answer or next steps from God alone.

10. A prepared leader isn’t easily discouraged. Notice that I said "easily". He/she is encouraged in the Lord, through scripture, prayer and praise time and is equipped with the truth.

11. A wise leader doesn't shirk blame. He/she knows that their actions are no one else’s to correct but their own.

12. A courageous leader doesn't stand by quietly and enable those they love to do things that hurt themselves or others. He/she boldly addresses issues with love.

13. An gracious leader knows that life isn't about rules, but experiencing God's gracious mercies personally and extending those to everyone else. God's love and grace is what changes us and helps us to be what we're intended to be. And when we show grace to others, we give them a glimpse of who He is and how much He loves them.

We have to determine which standard will become our own – the world’s or Gods. How will we influence and how will we lead? Whatever one we chose is telling of who we really serve because, with God, nothing is wasted. Everything we do matters for the kingdom of God.

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