Thursday, December 10, 2015

What is Truly Good

There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way to death. 
Proverbs 14:12

There's an old saying that goes, "The road to destruction is paved with good intentions." And it reminds me of this verse. The "good" in us can come no where near the holiness of God, although it's quite easy to settle. And the things we want for others and ourselves is mere pennies in comparison to what God wants for us. But we have no problem using ourselves as the barometer of good and evil. 

I have seen this in my own personal life. My tendency is to settle for my idea of "good". I can't wrap my mind around anything better, and so, I ask for the very best I can think of. But He gives more. I also tend to judge things against what's in my heart, somehow thinking my heart can be the gauge of good and evil. How arrogant, right? But then God opens my heart and I can see things His way. I find that His ways are nothing like mine- He is kinder, and far more understanding. His ways challenge my idea of what is good and, as they do, freedom is produced in my heart.  

There is more to life than what is in our hearts and minds. But too often we're prepared to settle. We need God to show us bigger things and provide understanding beyond our own thick skulls. And we need to remain open to them as we travel this journey. He isn't going to force us to follow; He wants all of each of us-  not just our intentions. In order to give Him all, we've got to be willing to see ourselves as we really are. It is then that we seek His way to the fullest.

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