Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Filtered Souls

And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance,endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:3-5

I nearly lost my husband to pneumonia recently. It was a scary and stressful time. But it confirmed once again to me that we grow more in our hard times than any others because testing burns off all the impurities to reveal what is beneath. It never feels this way because we see things in ourselves that we don't like during these times. But it's all part of the process to strengthen, change and increase our hope as we surrender all of us for all of Christ. These times are used by God as invitations for us to lean on and trust in Him. They stretch our faith and grow our character- if we accept His invitation.

It's amazing actually, how God can give us peace and security when things around us are raging. It's a precious experience to hear His voice in the midst of all the noise and to sense His call to relax and rest, knowing He is faithful. And to think that we miss out on this when we're living life ruled by flesh, unaware of what's taking place around us spiritually. We think what comes more natural is easier, but nothing in this life can bring us peace, rest and protection like living close to God in the spirit. 

The flesh, and it's need to rule, tries to to stand in the way. We feel more uncomfortable but more blessed. It is in the moments that we choose to believe Him where we notice all the ways He is involved in our lives and how significant His love really is. The power of His love is an amazing thing to witness. And wherever God is welcome, the presence of love is also. He meets all our needs and uses community as His witness. People start stepping forward to love on us, proving even more that He is active and near. 

The will of God is that we become more purified with every trial. Purification isn't a smooth process and it doesn't feel so good because the flesh isn't pure. But the master is the working the filter and, if you let Him, will have His way. He will be right there with you to comfort you and help you along. 

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