Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Second Chances

For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6

Though we don't realize it, we have a tendency to create distance between us and God by doing things that come quite natural to us. We live in an imperfect world and have so many unhealthy tendencies. Many are subtle mannerisms and habits we learn by watching others. Others are merely our hearts talking. The journey of being a Jesus follower is meant to set us free from those tendencies, one step at a time. But we can't follow Jesus without laying down our junk- fully surrendering our thoughts, beliefs, possessions and lives. The real call in Christianity isn't to believe that Jesus existed and is God's son, but to have such great faith in His ability and His wisdom that we take His word over what we think. 

As I study Hosea, I realize that God used the prophets to express His feelings, plans and truths to His people. The things He says through them mesmerize me. They remind me that God does feel things, and it isn't always anger. Our great, strong, Creator is vast. We often underestimate just how much strength there is in kindness until we get a good view of who He is. 

Through the prophets, He reveals things that separate us from Him. And the fact that He would reveal some things that keep distance between us and Him speaks of His desire for intimacy with us. His willingness to tell us what hurts Him reveals His willingness to be vulnerable with us and His forgiving heart. How great is He who is the Giver of second chances. He gives us such a view of our sins to lead us to repentance to draw us nearer and make us freer. I can't think of anything more humbling. 

While studying Hosea, these are the things that stuck out as barriers and distance builders between us and God. 
1. We do harm to one another. The fact that God calls us to love and treat others well is reflective of His love for us all. He deeply cares about every one of us. Hosea 4:2
2. We think we have it all figured out and stop being teachable. One of God's big beefs with Israel was their pride and arrogance. They committed to figuring Him out, not growing closer to Him. He has repeatedly shown that we will never figure Him out..He just isn't that simple. And if we were, would we trust Him? If we knew all of His thoughts, would we be required to have faith? He wants us to follow Him with faith. When we assume we already have Him figured out, we cease being open to learning or seeing differently. And we cease having faith. Hosea 4:6, 7:10 
3. We let our hunger for sin guide/rule us. God gives us some things not to do because:
a. He has boundaries of what He will tolerate and b. Sin hurts the sinner and everyone around. He wants to protect us. When we don't heed his words, we're basically saying, "I will be my own God. I will decide what is best for me." Hosea 4:8. 7:13
4. We have priorities higher than God. In scripture, God often refers to idolatry as promiscuity and adultery. Idolatry is putting ANYTHING before God. It lies in the excuses we make to focus less on God and ultimately stop trusting and following Him. How do your other relationships go when you stop making an effort? Well, God doesn't like it ether and He is the one you and I need most. Hosea 5:4, 6:9 
5. We do not call on Him but look to others to rescue us. When we're in need of saving or help, whoever or whatever we run to first reveals what our trust is really in. This is one He really convicted me over. I had a nasty habit of looking for people to save me and it was ruining my relationships. It wasn't bring me closer to God either. But since I began to run to Him, my life has never been the same. He invites us to believe Him and since trust comes from a relationship, we have to pay attention to Him and invest in getting to know Him. Hosea 5:14, 7:7, 7:14
6. We do not repent. The whole reason He exposes sin is to offer an opportunity to repent. When we do not, we might as well outright say, "I don't care about you. I don't care what you say or how you feel or what you want." Now, do we build healthy human relationships with that attitude of indifference? No. And we it won't get us anywhere with God either. Hosea 7:13 

These are good things to examine our hearts and lives for continuously. They are reminders that God has feelings and is always willing to forgive when we repent. He doesn't speak this message to condemn but to invite us to turn back to Him. And I don't know about you but I am always in need of second chances. 

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