Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Making Warriors

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

One of my gifted friends shared a perspective recently. She said that when we are transparent for the sake of others, when we pour understanding and courage out, we are laying down our lives for them. I know encouragement is powerful, but I never thought of it as self sacrificial as laying down one's life. But it makes sense- true encouragement is life-giving. It pours out from the overflow of life in one's own heart. 


Never underestimate the power of love through a kind or encouraging word. It is so easy to lose courage in this world of constant negativity. It is so easy to have courage one minute and lose it the next. It doesn't matter how strong someone is, how good they seem to have it or how many friends they have-- everyone needs encouragement sometimes. We all need to be reminded of the beauty within us and the good things others see in us because we're constantly hearing otherwise from the world and from our common enemy. 


Encouragement isn't flattery It isn't "sucking up". It is calling forward the good you see in someone and reminding them who they are to Jesus. It is giving courage to someone who doesn't have it. And it takes a secure person to offer courage to others. Insecure people are lacking so much courage that they aren't full enough to pour into others. But that can all be changed with some simple, honest, loving words. 

Encouragement is something simple, but powerful; it takes paying attention to what is going on with others. We can’t pour into others If we are disconnected. We can’t be open to what others need from us if we are disengaged or inwardly focused all the time. We have to get out there in the world and surround ourselves with people from all walks in order to have an impact. God wants us to make the most of this time but it isn’t about making ourselves comfortable and happy, but about pouring out into the world like Jesus did. Jesus didn't isolate himself from the people who needed Him. 


I never thought it was possible to give so much just by using my words and my mouth. I love seeing people light up when I speak a kind word. I love seeing their burdens fall off and their walk become lighter after reminding them who they are in Christ. I love how God uses each of us to make warriors out of one another. None of us are purposeless- we need each other to speak up and remind us who we are when we forget. We're all facing the same enemy, who wants to see us quit. 


What do the people around you need to hear today? Listen, observe, ask God. Notice the little things. Interact with others and listen to them talk for clues on what they may need to hear- maybe they son't even know themselves. But the Lord will show us if we ask. 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Jennifer. May all who read this be en-couraged then pass along courage to others as encouragers.
