Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Words of a Warrior

Your prophets have seen for you false and deceptive visions; they have not exposed your iniquity to restore your fortunes, but have seen for you oracles that are false and misleading. 
Lamentations 2:14

The truth is a powerful thing, that has the ability to prick hearts and open eyes, leading to repentance. Deception, however, presents as truth to eyes that cannot tell the difference. We need constant exposure to the truth in order to train our hearts and minds to discern the difference. That difference will, at some point in our lives, either save us or bring us to shame. 

We all make mistakes and do regretful things. But few people have someone in their lives who will tell them so. And even fewer will take heed to the words spoken to them to bring them back to God. Why? Because we have a tendency to seek independence to such extremes that we move away from the protection of God. 

Our natural hearts don't like being told we're wrong. The pride that seeps in and disguises itself as defensiveness is the very thing that keeps us from hearing truth and growing. That's why scripture speaks so much about humility. Humility battles the pride that keeps us from hearing those things we don't like or want to hear.  It is the difference between life and death. 

Even so, many people lack the courage to speak the truth to someone in need. Let's just say, we have all been that person at least once.  We want people to like us, to trust us and love us. Sometimes we want it more than we want what is best for them- but that isn't agape love. Agape love always does what is best for the other person even if they don't agree. Withholding truth is never pure love. Saying it with hate and despise isn't either. 

To use our mouths for God means we must be made courageous and strong warriors by God Himself. We must be willing to say things no one wants to hear as an act of obedience that reveals agape love. None of us really know what is best like God does. Therefore, we have to be in a position to hear first, then speak. 

We all need people who will tell us the truth- not "their truth", but Gods. That means they must be in a position of hearing and seeking Him themselves. On the same hand, we need to be willing to hear the words that may very well be the mercy of God, bringing us back to focus on Him. We have to look beyond the stinging we feel in our heart in order get back on the right path. We have to be willing to see ourselves through the eyes of God, with the same love and mercy but also with the same honesty. Community helps us do just that. 

Truth is a beautiful and freeing thing that breaks the chains of lies and blindness. It brings clarity, which leads to repentance. Repentance always leads to God's forgiveness and life abundant. May we all be speakers and receivers of  the Truth. 

1 comment:

  1. So true. Here we are following the One who is the Truth, and we struggle so hard with telling each other the truth. I love how Paul qualifies this with the Corinthians, our truth telling should lift up, cheer up and/or build up and his classic line, "speaking the truth in love..." As you point out, we somehow can't see how loving truth speaking can be.
